ALL DataBase > Multi FX > Extreamist
no. 443 アクセス数:3711


制作元: habib
プラグイン内容: ギター用マルチエフェクト
対応OS: Win
カテゴリー: VST:Multi FX
総合評価: 0.00
コメント数: 0
投稿日: 2008/08/03(Sun) 17:26:31


"Extremist" is a VST multi-effect plugin for guitars on Windows OS. It's main purpose is distorting guitar signal to receive 'extremely heavy sound'. This effect is NOT a tube amplifier simulator、 and it is NOT a cabinet simulator、 however some methods of altering signal are similar to tube amplification characteristics、 but only similar!
The effect works in stereo mode、 without any latency. It uses 15-band stereo equalizer.
Drive、 Dry、 Wet、 Volume - amplification & mixing signals knobs.
Feedback - level of signal feed back.
Clip - clipping level.
Reverb - stereofonic reverb effect、 adjustable up to mid delay.
Mid Boost - mid tones booster.
Eq Q - width of equalizer each frequency band.
Pre HPF - filtering low frequencies of effect input.
Post LPF - filtering high frequencies of effect output.
Noise gate - noise gate.
Amp curve - amplification characteristic.
Lock bars - operate equalizer sliders in mono/stereo.
Post gating - noise gate applied before/after effect.
Smoothing - signal smoothing (hiss reduction).
■Multi_FX ■Distortion ■Overdrive

